Presentation of Dossier No. 2 “Legal and festive culture in colonial Mexico”



presentation, dossier, legal culture, Mexico


The Mexican Nation built upon a colonial project that the Spanish monarchy imposed over a mosaic of cultures who habited the American continent, and that entailed a "painful" process implicating the submission and exploitation of the native population, baptized as "indigenous". However, in this process, there was also the convergence of two civilizations, with some common characteristics and values, that, in "contact", shared a marked social hierarchical organization in their government systems, as well as a profound religious sense, that influenced their political organization and allowed their integration in one social body during three hundred years: the New Spain.


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How to Cite

González Mireles, G. S. (2019). Presentation of Dossier No. 2 “Legal and festive culture in colonial Mexico”. Antropica. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(9), 209-211. Retrieved from