The other and the defamiliarization of the self. Problematic statements of art and anthropology



otherness, antimonumental art, art, State, crisis


This article discusses different perspectives on the analysis of art and takes into account issues under the concept of the otherness. The argument opens a discussion centered in at least three assumptions and questions: 1) if art is defined as imminent and as a place without concrete meaning, is it possible that it is affected and determined by extrinsic dynamics related to certain economical and political processes linked to crisis of the State and global capitalism?  In this sense, there are other assumptions and questions that are unfolded from the above one: 2) if certain political and economical dynamics affect or determine the performance in artistic circuits, how do these dynamics work in terms of agency to think and transform inequalities from artistic practices and social movements? Aforementioned questions can help us to achieve a third question: 3) how have these relations been problematized in the social analysis of the concept of the otherness in antimonumental artistic practices and activism?


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How to Cite

Linares Ortiz, J. (2021). The other and the defamiliarization of the self. Problematic statements of art and anthropology. Antropica. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7(13), 313-330. Retrieved from