The double historical disjunctive of the anthropogenic production of health and disease in the 21st century



production anthropogenic, historical development, health, illness, specificity historical epochal, civilizing crisis


In the current paper the Critical Political Economy concepts are develop as methodology to analyses the health crisis in the contemporary society. The theories of the subsuntion of the work and of the consumption, allow to propose a series of stages is proposed of a historical periodization of the relationship between anthropogenic production of diseases in contemporary society. This argument allows to give an account of the historical epochal specificity that keeps the current capitalist crisis of vital reproduction and health of the subjects in the context of a double historical dilemma that juxtaposes when it comes to thinking about the historical evolution of the disease in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Luna Nemecio, J. (2019). The double historical disjunctive of the anthropogenic production of health and disease in the 21st century. Antropica. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(9), 137-155. Retrieved from



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